

At PayPerra, we value your trust and strive to provide maximum protection for your finances and data.

We understand that security is the foundation of a successful financial experience, so our security team works around the clock, using cutting-edge technologies and strategies to ensure the maximum protection of your funds and personal data.


We Care About Your Security

At PayPerra, we give top priority to the security of your funds and data. Our efforts are aimed at providing reliable protection even against the most sophisticated fraud.

That is why we provide you with the following guarantees:

Work Around the Clock
Real-Time Notifications
2FA Protection
Security 24/7
Data Protection

Work Around the Clock

Our security team works around the clock to ensure that your account and funds are protected at all times. We monitor every transaction, striving to ensure the complete security of your finances.

Real-Time Notifications

Every time you make transactions with your card, you instantly receive notifications on your device. This allows you to promptly monitor all actions with your account and quickly respond to any suspicious transactions.

2FA Protection

It is important for us that only you have access to your funds. Therefore, we use two-factor authentication (2FA), providing an additional layer of protection for your account and all transactions.

Security 24/7

Our security operations team closely monitors any anomalies and constantly updates protection methods in accordance with the latest attack vectors. We guarantee security 24/7 so you can sleep peacefully knowing that your financial security is in safe hands.

Data Protection

We strive to ensure the complete security of your personal data. Our methods of data collection, processing, and storage comply with the highest security standards. We value your privacy and do everything possible to protect it.